
29th November
Workshop – Action Guide on Formaldehyde

Venue – Olaias Park Hotel, Av. Eng. Arantes e Oliveira 9, 1900-221 Lisbon 

14:00 – Welcome and opening by CEI-BOIS, EFBWW and EPF

  1. Introduction of the Action Guide on Formaldehyde and the aim of the workshop
    1. EPF: Mr Kris Wijnendaele
    2. EFPWW: Mrs Hanne Sanders (ABVV)
  2. Toxicology of formaldehyde: How can cancer develop and is there a latency period? Recent scientific findings and Formacare Self-Commitment to apply the SCOEL recommendation as a BOEL
    1. Mr Jonathan Crozier, Formacare/CEFIC
  3. The Way Towards Proactive Risk Assessment: Mr Rolf Gehring, EFBWW
  4. REACH – SCOEL – OEL – RMOA – Why the Action Guide?
    1. Dr Patrick Levy, Socotec/UIPP
  5. Question & Answer Session

16:00 – 16:30 – Coffee Break

  1. Action Guide – Practical Training Session moderated by Mr Rolf Gehring
    1. How to ensure active worker participation: Mr Hubert Gentner, Wood-Metal BG
    2. Description and explanation of preventive measures: Mrs Gundula Wagner, Pfleiderer/VHI
    3. First full-scale industrial experiences with the Action Guide, Mr Johan Claerhout, EWC Unilin
    4. Question & Answer Session
  2. Requirements for documentation and reporting: Mr Kris Wijnendaele, EPF
  3. Planned co-signature of the Action Guide by EFBWW and EPF
  4. Next steps and closure (18:30)

19:30 – 23:00 – Gala Dinner invitation by CEI-Bois/AIMMP
Venue – Olaias Park Hotel, Av. Eng. Arantes e Oliveira 9, 1900-221 Lisbon