The Project
Perspectives and Challenges of the Woodworking Industries in Europe, is a joint project between the European Confederation of Woodworking Industries (CEI-Bois), the European Federation of Building and Woodworkers (EFBWW) and the European Panel Federation (EPF).
The project focuses on challenges faced and solutions offered by the WI and will aim at developing common opinion and deriving recommendations to the companies and workers involved, so that a real practical on-the-ground effect of this project can be measured in five years’ time.
The first part of the project will consider working conditions and formaldehyde. Results from the implementation of the REF-WOOD project will also be analysed during this first part of the project.
The second part will be a follow-up of the implementation of the F-BI Strategy and will include topics such as sustainable availability of wood, R&D, innovation, education, work organisation, etc. It will focus in particular on the contribution that the woodworking industries can deliver to European Commission’s aim to re-industrialise Europe. It will also intend to improve the image of the WI and enhance its attractiveness for younger generations
On this last specific issue it is to be underlined the Wood Industry severe lacking of appeal among youngsters. The sector continues to be affected by an outmoded image that maintains a distance with younger generations when time for professional choices arrives.
Despite such an imperfect image, the WI can demonstrate to be modern, innovative, trendy, environmental friendly and major sponsor of the Circular Economy concept.
The success of an Industry depends heavily on market adjustments, on entrepreneurs’ capability as on the reasonableness of the regulatory frameworks but the power of attracting young generations interest remains a determinant factor to guarantee continuity and to open new perspectives.
The proposed project will take into account the legislative context as well as the Social Dialogue discussions between the partners. By focusing on the co-operation and the participation of workers and their representatives the project fosters social dialogue between the European Social Partner Organisations and their national affiliates. Therefore, it has an indirect influence on industrial relations too.
In addition, the joint conclusions and common ground on industrial policy reached in this project may form the basis for recommendations to European and national policy makers in order to enhance the competitiveness of the WI, creating new green jobs and providing a health and safe working environment.
Under the responsibility of a Steering Group, two milestones seminars and a final Conference will be organized, together with multiple additional dissemination activities, within a total 21 months’ time frame.