2nd Seminar Programme
Perspectives and Challenges of the Woodworking Industries in Europe
Joint CEI-Bois / EFBWW / EPF Project
“Focus on European Woodworking Sector Attractiveness”
29 to 30 November, Lisbon
AIMMP – Portuguese Association of Wood and Furniture Industries host again in Portugal, this time in Lisbon, the 2nd Seminar in the framework of the joint project between the European Confederation of Woodworking Industries (CEI-Bois) and the European Federation of Building and Woodworkers (EFBWW) with the participation of the European Panel Federation (EPF) on the formaldehyde-related section.
The first Seminar was focused on formaldehyde.
The second Seminar includes:
- Analysis and conclusions of the topic Formaldehyde debated at the 1st seminar
- Proposals for increasing the sector attractiveness.
The European woodworking and furniture industry is the EU’s fifth largest manufacturing industry. It contributes €219 billion to the economy and generates almost 2 million jobs many of which are in rural or less industrialised areas.
29th November
Workshop – Action Guide on Formaldehyde
Venue – Olaias Park Hotel, Av. Eng. Arantes e Oliveira 9, 1900-221 Lisbon
14:00 – Welcome and opening by CEI-BOIS, EFBWW and EPF
- Introduction of the Action Guide on Formaldehyde and the aim of the workshop
- EPF: Mr Kris Wijnendaele
- EFPWW: Mrs Hanne Sanders (ABVV)
- Toxicology of formaldehyde: How can cancer develop and is there a latency period? Recent scientific findings and Formacare Self-Commitment to apply the SCOEL recommendation as a BOEL
- Mr Jonathan Crozier, Formacare/CEFIC
- The Way Towards Proactive Risk Assessment: Mr Rolf Gehring, EFBWW
- REACH – SCOEL – OEL – RMOA – Why the Action Guide?
- Dr Patrick Levy, Socotec/UIPP
- Question & Answer Session
16:00 – 16:30 – Coffee Break
- Action Guide – Practical Training Session moderated by Mr Rolf Gehring
- How to ensure active worker participation: Mr Hubert Gentner, Wood-Metal BG
- Description and explanation of preventive measures: Mrs Gundula Wagner, Pfleiderer/VHI
- First full-scale industrial experiences with the Action Guide, Mr Johan Claerhout, EWC Unilin
- Question & Answer Session
- Requirements for documentation and reporting: Mr Kris Wijnendaele, EPF
- Planned co-signature of the Action Guide by EFBWW and EPF
- Next steps and closure (18:30)
19:30 – 23:00 – Gala Dinner invitation by CEI-Bois/AIMMP
Venue – Olaias Park Hotel, Av. Eng. Arantes e Oliveira 9, 1900-221 Lisbon
30th November
2nd Seminar – “Focus on European Woodworking Sector Attractiveness”
Venue – Olaias Park Hotel, Av. Eng. Arantes e Oliveira 9, 1900-221 Lisbon
08:30 – Welcome Coffee
09:oo – Welcome and opening, CEI-Bois – EFBWW – EPF
09:20 – Keynote speech – State of the art presentation, Tom AUSTEN (Miller McKenzie Director, UK)
10:00 – Attractiveness of sectors in EU Social Dialogue, Danny SCHEERLINCK (European Commission Policy Officer, European Sectoral Social Dialogue – DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion)
10:15 – Q&A session
10:30 – Coffee Break
10:45 – Presentations on sector experiences and best practices:
- “How can the industry retake the initiative to attract millennials”, Henrik SMEDMARK (TMF Senior Advisor Education and Vocational Training, Sweden)
- “Industrial policy challenges for the wood industries in the age of digitization and aging societies”, Brigitte DOETH (IG Metall, Germany)
- “Driving necessary change in the training arena”, Geoff RHODES (Geoff Rhodes Associates, UK)
11:30 – Q&A session
11:45 – Presentations on sector experiences and best practices, 2nd part:
- “Modernizing the Woodworking sector image: the Croatian experience”, Helena Biljus (Croatian Wood Cluster, Croatia)
- “Good Communication Practices”, Fátima TORRES (AIMMP Marketing Director, Portugal)
- “The Woodual Project – Mobility of apprentices”, Jeroen DOOM (Woodwize, Belgium)
- “Social relation on enhancing the attraction in the wooden sector”, Tony BERGGREN (GS, Sweden)
12:45 – Q&A session
13:00 – Lunch Break
14:15 – Panel session – And now? Moderator Keith Fryer (TTF, UK)
15:00 – Conclusions, CEI-Bois – EFBWW – EPF
Closing reception