1st Seminar
Perspectives and Challenges of the Woodworking Industries in Europe
Joint CEI-Bois / EFBWW / EPF Project
Date 07.12.2017
Time 09:00 – 19:00
Venue Ipanema Park Hotel, Serralves street 124 4150-125, Oporto
9:00 Welcome Coffee
1. Morning session focusing on the Action Guide on Formaldehyde – Lead EPF
9:30 Welcome and opening by CEI-Bois, EFBWW and EPF
- REFWOOD Experiences
- EFBWW speaker: Mr Kenneth Johansson
- EPF national member association speaker: Mr Olivier Hugon-Nicolas, UIPP
- Introduction speech to set the scene: SCOEL – CMD – BOEL – REACH
- Speaker: Mrs Karola Grodzki, EC DG EMPL
- 2nd Speaker from EC DG EMPL (to be confirmed)
- Action Guide:
- Background and principles: Mr Hubert Gentner, Wood-Metal BG
- Practical experience and lessons for implementation throughout Europe: Mrs Gundula Wagner, Pfleiderer/VHI
11:30-12:00 Coffee Break
- Trade Union perspective and experiences: Mr Ulrich Spannow, EFBWW
- Pan-European implementation project for the Action Guide: Mr Kris Wijnendaele, EPF
13:30-15:00 Lunch Break
2. Afternoon session focusing on other working condition issues
- Wood dust and its prevention: Mr Hubert Gentner, Wood-Metal BG
- Prevention on company level – a field report: Mr. Freddy Soret – France/CFDT
- Best practices in training: Mr Stefan Hinnekens, Woodwize – Belgium
- Conclusions by CEI-Bois, EFBWW and EPF
17:30-19:00 Closing reception